20Amp 24V to 12V transformer
This UK manufactured panel is a 20A 24vto12v transformer.
This allows you to use your 12v items on your 24v marine systems.
The panel has is On-Off switch, 4 fused connections to the rear and a temp readout.
Each of fused connections has a green warning light to show that the fuse is good. The unit comes with a 5A fuse fitted to each of the fuse holders.
The transformer has a temp probe attached so that you can keep track of its temperature. It is advisable to have 100mm clear space to the sides and rear so that the unit can keep cool. The transformer will heat up as part of the process of transforming 24v to 12v. It is not advisable to run the transformer at over 60C.
The unit requires a fused 20A 24v feed and negative.
Each device that you attach to the transformer will need a positive and negative run from this unit.